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Raise your hands if your fall fever is still in full swing and you don’t want autumn to go! You too, huh? Even though we’re nearing Christmas, we’re still hooked on pumpkin sweet treats, the cooler weather and wearing our favorite booties every chance we get.
So, to feed our fall obsession, we’re satisfying our pumpkin-y cravings with our favorite pumpkin bread that makes for a super healthy and scrumptious snack, whilst we dread the fall of the last magnificent red and orange leaves. Don’t worry, this simple and delicious pumpkin bread recipe will fuel your fall hysteria just that little while longer.
If you need a little extra help when making this delicious fall-inspired healthy treat, be sure to watch our video tutorial.
Pumpkin Bread Recipe
Working Time: 4h
What You’ll Need:
- 200 gr of [easyazon_link identifier=”B0062A87HA” locale=”US” tag=”twkmobile-20″]pumpkin[/easyazon_link]/180 ml of pumpkin pulp
- 2 tsp of [easyazon_link identifier=”B076T966GS” locale=”US” tag=”twkmobile-20″]dry brewer’s yeast[/easyazon_link] (8gr)
- ¼ cup of lukewarm water (50 ml)
- 1 tsp of [easyazon_link identifier=”B006CVNF2G” locale=”US” tag=”twkmobile-20″]cane sugar[/easyazon_link]
- 270 gr of flour (2 cups + 1 tbsp)
- 80 gr of [easyazon_link identifier=”B0052OMOKS” locale=”US” tag=”twkmobile-20″]spelt flour[/easyazon_link] ( ⅔ cups)
- 1 tsp of salt
- 1 tbsp butter/olive oil
- 1 tsp of lemon juice
Get all your ingredients from a local farm like Fram Fresh To You!
What To Do:
Step 1 – Steam the pumpkin and ground it till it becomes liquid
Step 2 – In a tea cup, mix the dry brewer’s yeast and cane sugar with lukewarm water

Step 3 – Sift both flours into a mixing bowl, mixing them together
Step 4 – In a mixer, add the pumpkin, brewer’s yeast mixture, flour, butter/olive oil and lemon juice and mix to form a dough
Step 5 – Knead the dough into a ball, with a dash of flour
Step 6 – Place the dough in a bowl and let it sit for 4h under a warm cloth
Step 7 – Spread the dough evenly and cut circles with a drinking glass, then cut the circles in half
Step 8 – Layer 8 half circles in a trail, wet your finger with water and roll the trail to create a flower shape and then place on baking paper

Step 9 – Repeat until all dough is used
Step 10 – Let your dough flowers rest for 40 mins underneath a cloth
Step 11 – Pre-heat the oven to 390 degrees Fahrenheit
Step 12 – Brush the dough flowers with milk and sprinkle with coarse salt
Step 13 – Bake for 15-20 mins till they turn goldish
Step 14 – Enjoy!
We hope you enjoyed our article on the best pumpkin bread recipe ever and that you give it a try at home! Pumpkin-y cravings still not satisfied? Check out our pumpkin almond cake recipe and our easy pumpkin pie recipe. These fall-inspired sweet treats will keep the autumn vibes around all year long. Yay for us!