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With Mother’s Day right around the corner, it’s time to celebrate all those women who’ve touched your life in the ways that only mothers can with a simply meaningful message. What better time than the present to write a thoughtful message to the people closest to you?
Mother’s Day isn’t only for your mom; it’s a time to acknowledge all the aunts, grandmas, cousins, sisters, wives, and partners who have spread joy by being fantastic mothers.
If you want to show some of the amazing women in your life just how much they mean to you but have trouble coming up with the right words, don’t fret. We’ve put together a list of tips to figure out just what kind of meaningful message you should include in all your Mother’s Day cards, and if you’re still looking for the perfect gift, make sure to check out our Mother’s Day Gift Guide as well.
If you’re still looking for a gift to match the card, you can spruce up your meaningful message with a thoughtful personalized photobook from Mixbook. You can create a custom photo album or product and pick from a wide variety of styles to match your own.
Our mothers do so much for us and it’s time we show our thoughtful appreciation. Other classic ideas for very appreciated gifts:
- a bouquet of flowers (check the ones from Enjoy Flowers, beautiful, on time and reliable)
- a Mother’s Day gift basket to add to your message, making it that much more special!
Meaningful Messages For Your Mom

For your own mom, you’ll want to write something that lets her know how much you appreciate everything she does and has done for you. It doesn’t always have to be some deep inspirational quotes for women. If she’s got a great sense of humor, write something witty or clever. Also if you’re looking to include a thoughtful gift, Etsy has small customizable gifts your mom will truly treasure!
Here are some examples of what you could write in meaningful messages cards:
“You’ve loved me and supported me for all these years. I couldn’t ask for a better mother. Love you always!”
“Thank you for being my angel, Mom. You’ve kept me safe, loved me, and supported me all this time. You deserve nothing but the best. Happy Mother’s Day!”
“You’ve given me so much over the years. I can’t truly express how grateful I am for everything you’ve done. I love you and I hope you have a fantastic Mother’s Day!”
“Happy Mother’s Day! Thanks for putting up with me for so long. I can only hope I inherit all your patience.”
“You’re the perfect example of what a mom should be: kind, caring, loving, and supportive. I’m proud to call you my mother.”
If you’re looking for a cute card for your meaningful message, Minted has some super cute cards that your mom is sure to appreciate. Minted even offers customization!
If your relationship with your mom is a bit complicated and such heartfelt messages feel strained to you, there are still ways to make your card sound meaningful.
Tell her you hope she has a beautiful day or that you’ve been thinking of her. You’re being honest and positive, which are meaningful ways to write Mother’s Day messages.
Meaningful Messages For Family Members
Writing a heartfelt message for any grandmas, aunts, or other family members who have had a maternal presence in your life is simple. Focus on the ways they’ve influenced or touched your life and write from there.
Here are some other Mothers Day messages to all mothers and mother figures out there:
“You’ll never know how much I admire the woman you are or how grateful I am that you’re in my life.”
“I’m so blessed that you’ve been a part of my life. I love you, and I hope you have a wonderful day!”
“All my love to an amazing lady, from someone who hopes they can be half as amazing someday!”
“You’ve been a mom to me in so many ways. I hope you know how much I appreciate everything you’ve done!”
Meaningful Messages For Your Partner or Wife
Parenting isn’t an easy job, and that’s why it’s important to let your wife or partner know just how much you appreciate all the work they do.
If you’re looking for a cute gift to attach to this meaningful message for a new mom, you can get her something special, like a nursing pillow!
Acknowledge their contributions, their love, and their dedication while at the same time making it clear just how you feel.
“You’ve done so much to make our family perfect. I hope you never forget that you’re perfect, too. I love you.”
“Our home would be nothing without you. You’re the most amazing mother our kids could have. Happy Mother’s Day!
“Thank you for being such a fantastic mother! The kids and I love you more than you’ll ever know.”
“I love you, and I love the mother you’ve become. I’ll always be here for you. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day.”
Messages For Friends or Siblings
It’s important to let the other moms in your life know just how important they are, too. If your sister or friend is a mother, add some additional cheer to their Mother’s Day by letting them know how much you admire them.
“You’ve been such an amazing friend to me and now you’re an amazing mother! Wishing you all the best this Mother’s Day!”
“We’ve shared so much together, including motherhood. Looking forward to more adventures with you!”
“Your kids have the best mom on the planet! I hope they spoil you rotten for Mother’s Day!”
“We grew up to be best friends and I hope our kids do, too. Here’s to you being a fantastic mom!”
The Right Words
While mothers deserve to be appreciated every day, Mother’s Day is the time to make sure they really know how truly important they are. Heartfelt messages in cards make Mother’s Day more meaningful, so don’t hold back on letting the women closest to you know just how much you care!
We hope you enjoyed this meaningful messages for all women in your life! To save yourself time, check out our specially crafted Mother’s Day gift ideas HERE or check out these cute ways to show your appreciation to you mom on Mother’s Day