How to Stay Safe and Have Fun on the Pride Parade Route

how to stay safe and have fun on the pride parade route

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If you’re attending Pride this year, it’s important to know how to stay safe and have fun on the Pride parade route. These festive events are held in many major cities across the world during the month of June.

And while the parades are colorful, joyous, and full of love, they can also be quite busy and crowded. Therefore, parade-goers should prioritize their safety to make sure it remains a positive experience for everyone in attendance.

How to Stay Safe and Have Fun on the Pride Parade Route

Go with a Group of Friends

Pride is one of those events where you’re bound to make lots of new friends. And while it’s okay to meet others, going with a core group of friends can make the event a lot safer. There is always safety in numbers! However, it doesn’t have to be a large group. Even just having one Pride buddy at your side can make your experience safer.

Because things can get quite hectic during the parade, we recommend designating a meet-up spot in case anyone gets lost. Plus, you’ll want to have people with you who will be willing to take lots of photos!

Prepare for Hot Weather

hydro flask - how to stay safe and have fun on the pride parade route


For the past 55 years, the Pride parade has been held every year in June. As the start of summer, June can be quite hot. And while the exact temperature depends on where you’re celebrating around the world, you should still be prepared for heat. That means lathering on the sunscreen and bringing other forms of sun protection like sunglasses and a hat.

You should always stay hydrated by drinking lots of water before and during the parade. Since the shops and businesses around the parade can be crowded, it’s a good idea to bring your own water bottle (like this really cool rainbow one).

Stay Aware

Being aware of your surroundings at all times is an important tip no matter where you go in the world. However, it’s especially useful when you’re out in a parade setting with thousands and thousands of people. If something doesn’t feel safe to you, do your best to remove yourself from the situation. Don’t be afraid to go to the police or to speak with someone on the event staff if you need help.

Another part of being aware is reporting any suspicious activity. This will prevent threats or problems from escalating to ensure the parade route is a safe environment for everyone. It’s also a good idea to take note of escape routes or emergency exits in case things get too out of hand.

Respect the Boundaries of Others

Pride is and always has been an inclusive space for all attendees. There will likely be a wildly diverse group of people in attendance. However, it’s very important that you respect the personal space and boundaries of others. That includes any unwanted stares, touches, comments, or anything another person might find uncomfortable. Avoid any assumptions and always ask for consent to make sure all interactions are respectful!

That way, everyone can focus on how to stay safe and have fun on the Pride parade route!

Leave Valuables at Home

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While it may be tempting to bring your fancy camera or wear nice jewelry, we recommend leaving those things at home. There are thousands (and sometimes millions) of attendees at a Pride parade. And while most people are there to have a good time, theft can still be an issue. For that reason, we recommend only carrying the essentials.

If you have to bring something valuable, make sure they are secure and in your line of sight at all times. Having a crossbody bag or a backpack with zippers can help deter any wandering eyes. Some Pride parades will have bag size restrictions as well, so read up on any rules to make sure you abide by the guidelines.

Paravel Fold Up Backpack - how to stay safe and have fun on the pride parade route

Keep Your Phone Charged

In between all the photos and text messages, you might find that being at pride all day will drain your phone battery. Make sure it’s fully charged beforehand, and consider bringing a power bank.

If you don’t have a power bank, you can minimize background apps or keep your phone on airplane mode to reduce usage. You may also consider writing down important numbers (like those of your friends) in case your phone does die while you’re out.

Be Careful About Your Alcohol Intake

Alcohol is often available for purchase at Pride (whether at a nearby bar or at a pop-up beer garden). While drinking can be a way to let loose and have fun, it can also lead to more unfortunate situations.

If you do plan on drinking at pride, try to pace yourself or alternate alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic drinks. Remember, the weather can be quite hot, and being drunk and dehydrated is never a good mix! You should also make sure you eat before drinking to slow down the alcohol absorption.

Finally, do not accept open drinks from strangers, and absolutely do not drink and drive! Plan to use public transportation or a designated driver to get back home after the festivities.

Spread the Love!

Our last tip on how to stay safe and have fun on the pride parade route is to have fun! Remember, this is a very special day to spread love, support, and positivity to the LGBTQ+ community. By being respectful and accepting of others, you can do your part to make sure that everyone has a good time.

These are just a few simple rules on how to stay safe and have fun on the pride parade route. This is a festive event, so don’t be afraid to dress up or wear colorful or rainbow-patterned clothing (with comfortable shoes, of course). As long as you’re being safe and respectful, we know that you’ll have a fabulous time at the parade!

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