Remote Nonprofit Jobs: A Guide to Understanding Your Options

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Once upon a time, remote jobs were few and far between. However, in the aftermath of COVID-19, things have changed dramatically. Today, many jobs can be done remotely, including working for a nonprofit. ZipRecruiter strives to connect job seekers with the right career opportunities, whether that’s working at a for-profit business or doing good in the world through remote nonprofit jobs.

What kinds of nonprofit jobs can be done remotely, though? Understanding your options is a critical part of making informed career decisions. In the post below, we’ll explore some of the positions that can be done remotely as part of a nonprofit organization.

Remote, Hybrid, or In-House?

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Before we venture into the wider discussion surrounding remote nonprofit jobs, it’s important to understand the trends shaping the workforce today. We’ve identified three types of jobs out there – in-house, hybrid, and remote. You can find all of these types of positions on ZipRecruiter, where you can also create a profile and apply for jobs with just a single click.

  • In-House – This is the traditional type of job. It involves you traveling to the nonprofit’s office, working there, then traveling home at the end of the day. With the pandemic’s restrictions lifted, many organizations are going back to traditional, in-person jobs.
  • Remote – Remote jobs are just what they sound like: you’re able to complete all of your duties from a remote location (usually your home office). Remote jobs can also be full-time or part-time.
  • Hybrid – Perhaps the fastest-growing type of job is the hybrid position. In this situation, you might work remotely for half the week, then work from the office for the other half of the week.

Why the diversity of options? It comes down to what works best for the business. Some leaders prefer their teams to work in person for control and communication reasons.

In other cases, employees may have responsibilities that can only be accomplished in person, but they aren’t daily responsibilities. In this instance, a hybrid format might work best for the employee and the organization.

However, while some organizations are phasing out remote-only positions, you’ll still find plenty of remote nonprofit jobs out there. Let’s take a look at some of what’s available.

Content Creator

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Content creation began going remote long before the pandemic, but COVID accelerated it. This role includes almost anything, although the term usually applies to marketing-related activities. This can include written content like blog posts, articles, whitepapers, and more, but it can also relate to graphic design-related content, like photos, infographics, and videos.


Editing serves as one of the most widely available remote nonprofit jobs. Often, editing goes hand in hand with content creation, but it’s a separate position with many organizations. In other nonprofits, managers might edit. Some of the common tasks include proofreading and modifying text assets. However, you may also edit and make/note changes to graphic-related assets.

Communication Specialists

The communication specialist applies to a wide range of positions. For instance, some organizations may give this title to social media managers or employees who handle social media communications. Others give the title to marketing professionals and even those tasked with creating emails, blog posts, and other written content.


Accounting remote nonprofit jobs have grown more and more widely available. Many nonprofit accounts work full-time positions and operate remotely. However, some organizations prefer to outsource to freelancers or accounting firms.

Planned Giving Coordinators

Planned giving coordinators usually handle donations/contributions in a wide range of forms. They also answer questions, reply to email inquiries, answer telephone calls, and more, all of which help donors make informed decisions.

Project Managers

Nonprofit organizations regularly tackle a wide range of projects. Project managers run these projects and guide them to successful conclusions. They may be required to have previous experience, or the nonprofit may require specific training/certification, such as a Six Sigma certification.

Financial Analysts

Financial analysts help nonprofit organizations track the flow of funds from donation to final use in company outreach programs. They provide important insight into cost reduction, how to maximize donations, and more.

The Sky’s the Limit with Remote Nonprofit Jobs

Remote nonprofit jobs run the gamut from entry-level options to those that require specific degrees. However, it’s important to ensure that the nonprofit is focused on keeping positions remote, rather than eventually transitioning them back to in-office. ZipRecruiter helps you find the right position with the right not-for-profit organization.

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