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Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the globe on the 22nd of April to raise awareness on the importance of environmental protection and taking action to protect our planet. By celebrating Earth Day, you’re apart of a community of over 1 billion people who celebrate this holiday every year. There are many ways you and your family can get in on the action and raise awareness on how to care for our planet! Keep reading for Earth Day Activities you and your family will absolutely love! From planting a tree to eco-friendly activities, we have it all.
If you have electronics you need to get rid of, don’t forget to recycle them with Gazzle!

7 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day with Your Family
1. Plant a Tree
Planting trees is the most popular activity commonly associated with Earth Day, and for good reason. Trees provide us with so many benefits. They can help to reduce energy consumption by cutting winter winds and providing shade in the summer time. In addition, they also provide shelter for animals like birds and insects and help to stabilize soil to reduce erosion. Trees also improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gasses by absorbing carbon dioxide. Whether you and your family plant a tree in your own yard or participate in a tree planting project in the community, this is number one on our list of Earth Day Activities. So, get the kids, get your [easyazon_link identifier=”B071ZH9PL1″ locale=”US” tag=”twkmobile-20″]tools[/easyazon_link] and get planting!
2. Go For a Hike
What better way to celebrate Earth Day than by getting out into nature? Put on your athletic gear and go for a hike in the forest, or hike by a lake to look for wildlife and enjoy the views. Be sure to take a camera along with you to capture some of the beautiful sights you see along the way. Maybe you can put together a nature collage for Earth Day, featuring your snaps from your nature walk!
3. Build a Bird Feeder or Birdhouse
Moving on, another favorite on our list of Earth Day Activities! Build a backyard birdhouse or bird feeder with the kids! This is a great project to do with your young kids as most children love building things and love looking at animals. Even better if they’re right outside in the backyard! A birdhouse or bird feeder will provide many opportunities for your youngins to watch and learn about birds in your area all year round. You can find kits like this [easyazon_link identifier=”B07LD7X29W” locale=”US” tag=”twkmobile-20″]one[/easyazon_link], or you can also find instructions online for building your own birdhouse or bird feeder from recycled materials. Very Earth Day friendly!
4. Learn about the Earth
This is a great opportunity to learn and educate about the Earth. Teach your family about the three R’s-reduce, reuse, recycle. Read some fun facts together or some fun books such as [easyazon_link identifier=”0394823370″ locale=”US” tag=”twkmobile-20″]The Lorax by Dr. Seuss[/easyazon_link]. Or, you can do some fun Earth day art’s and crafts.
If you are looking for great books to read with your kids, Put Me in The Story is a great source for books as you can customize and personalize the books!

5. Ditch The Car
Next, make a pact with your family to leave the cars at home for the day – or longer! Use other means of transportation to get to where you need to be, like bicycles, scooters, skateboards or walking. Talk with your kids about what a difference this made in your day. Furthermore, make note of other opportunities where you can reduce your reliance on cars and public transportation in your everyday life. Both your health and the environment will benefit from this!
6. Watch The Birds
Lastly, Earth Day is the perfect excuse to do a little bird watching with the kids, either in your own backyard or whilst out enjoying nature. Keep track of how many different types of birds you can spot through out the day. Or, borrow a bird book from the library, or snap some shots of the birds you spot with your camera and try to identify them by searching the web. Your kids might even become interested in starting a photo album or scrapbook of the different types of birds they see. Although, it’s not absolutely necessary, but a pair of [easyazon_link identifier=”B078WMVBXD” locale=”US” tag=”twkmobile-20″]binoculars[/easyazon_link] can help make bird spotting and identification a whole lot easier.
7. Clean Up The Neighborhood
Next, get your family together and choose a local park, roadside or trail in your neighborhood and make a game out of it. See who can collect the most garbage and recyclables. Make sure that everyone wears a pair of [easyazon_link identifier=”B00GS8VIKE” locale=”US” tag=”twkmobile-20″]gloves[/easyazon_link]! Sure, this isn’t a glamorous activity. However, this activity definitely reinforces the idea to kids that littering is damaging to the environment. It also shows how the community looks much more attractive when every one picks up after themselves.
In conclusion, we hope you enjoyed our article on fun Earth Day activities that you and the whole family can enjoy!
Check out these cool and easy ways to reduce waste in honor of Earth Day!
If you’re planning to plant a tree or do some gardening this Earth Day. Be sure to check out these gardening tools that will make your gardening projects a whole lot easier!